Romanian New Leu(RON) To Swiss Franc(CHF)
This is the page of Romanian New Leu (RON) to Swiss Franc (CHF) conversion, below you can find the latest exchange rate between them and is updated every 1 minutes. It shows the exchange rate of the two currencies conversion. It also shows the history chart of this currency pairs, by choosing the time period you can get more detailed information. Would you like to invert the currencies pairs? Please visit Swiss Franc(CHF) To Romanian New Leu(RON).
9020 RON
1700.68803 CHF
9020 Swiss Franc To Romanian New Leu
Exchange Rates Updated: Mar 01,2025 08:22 UTC
Full history please visit RON/CHF History
Convert Romanian New Leu(RON) To Swiss Franc(CHF)
1 RON = | 0.18855 CHF | 5.30374 RON = | 1 CHF |
2 RON = | 0.37709 CHF | 10.60747 RON = | 2 CHF |
5 RON = | 0.94273 CHF | 26.51868 RON = | 5 CHF |
10 RON = | 1.88546 CHF | 53.03736 RON = | 10 CHF |
15 RON = | 2.8282 CHF | 79.55604 RON = | 15 CHF |
20 RON = | 3.77093 CHF | 106.07472 RON = | 20 CHF |
25 RON = | 4.71366 CHF | 132.5934 RON = | 25 CHF |
50 RON = | 9.42732 CHF | 265.18679 RON = | 50 CHF |
Romanian New Leu(RON) To Swiss Franc(CHF) History Graph
History Exchange Rate
Date | Romanian New Leu | Swiss Franc |
Friday 28/02/2025 | 9020 RON = | 1700.57507 CHF |
Thursday 27/02/2025 | 9020 RON = | 1695.93821 CHF |
Wednesday 26/02/2025 | 9020 RON = | 1701.26817 CHF |
Tuesday 25/02/2025 | 9020 RON = | 1701.50563 CHF |
Monday 24/02/2025 | 9020 RON = | 1701.11831 CHF |
Sunday 23/02/2025 | 9020 RON = | 1701.93201 CHF |
Saturday 22/02/2025 | 9020 RON = | 1702.32263 CHF |
Friday 21/02/2025 | 9020 RON = | 1704.62663 CHF |
Thursday 20/02/2025 | 9020 RON = | 1693.40191 CHF |
Wednesday 19/02/2025 | 9020 RON = | 1713.94127 CHF |
Full history please visit RON/CHF Exchange Rates History
Convert 9020 Romanian New Leu(RON) to other currencies
Popular Romanian New Leu(RON) Pairing
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